Volume scanner experts at CONEXPO available to assess savings potential for your construction projects

Loadscan will be hosting exclusive meetings on their stand at CONEXPO-CON/AGG to help construction operators calculate the potential impact volume scanning could have on their business. Loadscan’s scanning experts Andrew Duffy and Carey West will be on hand to assess ROI, potential cost savings and productivity gains.

These meetings are subject to availability and will be conducted at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020 show, in the bronze hall on booth B-90518, March 10-14 in Las Vegas. To book your free consultation please email anjali@loadscan.com stating your preferred day and time.

Civil construction companies are exposed to huge financial risk associated with under-supply on inbound loads. When purchasing gravel from a quarry, material is often measured by making volume conversions from a weigh-bridge – an unreliable method that is not verified upon receipt of the material. But with Loadscan’s load volume scanning (LVS) system every load is verified and traceable.

Local USA construction firms regularly base their calculations off having 18 cubic yards on a truck – yet Loadscan have found, through accurate volumetric measurement, reality is usually closer to 14 cubic yards.

The LVS is a low maintenance, cost effective alternative  (or complementary system) to weighing that provides you with the full picture of what is being hauled. It’s non-biased and fair to both supplier and receiver of materials.

One Loadscan customer, a supplier of high-quality greywacke products (asphalt and concrete aggregates through to base courses and bulk fill) strip up to 2,500mᶾ of overburden material a day. They credit their Loadscan LVS with informing them of accurate measurement of  haul-back in their truck bins, which influences final payments to their contractors.

In previous years, back when they used surveyed volumes and  truck load counts, haul-back was not a serious consideration even though they knew there were some serious discrepancies present. The company have now been able to calculate that they’re carrying back almost 20% of each truck’s load, which is a hit of $3,250 per day. Extrapolated over their six-day working week that’s $19,500 in lost productivity. Over 5 years that’s a cost of $4,875,000 in haul-back alone. The company are now strong advocates for Loadscan!

Find out more information on Loadscan’s load volume scanner.

Read case studies on our civil construction page.

Register for CONEXPO/AGG here.

2019-11-14T15:22:57+13:00November 12th, 2019|
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