Beautiful Beast Project

While we’re busy providing cost saving benefits to our global customer base with our Load Volume Scanning technology, others around the world face extreme adversity. From our comfy life here in New Zealand it’s easy to ignore the daily struggles many people face.

So when we heard about the Beautiful Beast Project we got right behind it!

What exactly is the Beautiful Beast?

Its a collaborative music video project between NZ and Afghanistan. Aiming to raise global awareness around the struggles and empowerment of women.

Beautiful Beast started when Christchurch musician Kerry Coulshed (Taipei Teahouse) wrote a song titled “Beautiful Beast”. Kerry was inspired by the book “The Dressmaker of Khair Khana”, the incredible true story of Kamila Sidiqi, living in Kabul under the Taliban regime.

Afghani film-maker, Roya Sadat heard the song and decided to make a music video shot on location in Afghanistan. She wanted to highlight the struggle and determination of Afghani women. This led to a collaborative project between women in New Zealand and Afghanistan.Kerry from the Beautiful Beast

“We want to raise awareness around the world about the importance of empowering women through creativity and enterprise. It’s about women never giving up and supporting each other to overcome adversity.” Kerry Coulshed

The music video is being launched in Christchurch this month, and will then be launched in Afghanistan and the U.S where Kamila’s book was a bestseller.

We’re proud to have donated to this project. We want the music video to be completed and its messages shared around the world.

Learn more about the Beautiful Beast:On location in Kabul, Afghanistan with Roya Film House

2017-02-07T14:24:39+13:00August 10th, 2015|
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