Loadscan’s Conveyor Volume Scanner (CVS) measures and reports on bulk flow to give you enhanced production control and effective stockpile management.

It’s a viable measurement alternative to traditional weight-based systems, and with a measurement accuracy better than 98.5%, the CVS enables accurate real-time inventory tracking and reporting.

Being a non-contact measurement system, the need for regular and costly recalibration is eliminated. Available in a range of frame sizes from 735mm (28.9 inches) to 1925mm (75.8 inches), the CVS fits most shallow and deep ‘V’ conveyor belt set-ups.

The CVS allows you to monitor and operate your conveyor belt on the fly, enabling better decision-making based on accurate, real-time data feeds.

LEARN MORE https://www.loadscan.com/conveyor-volume-scanner/

2022-05-10T15:18:40+12:00May 10th, 2022|
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