Loadscan accounced a finalist in Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2018.

*Read the official announcement from Export NZ in Exporter Today*

Loadscan is pleased to announce it’s a finalist for the Air New Zealand Cargo ExportNZ Awards 2018 in the Best Emerging Business for Goods category.

ExportNZ’s awards campaign recognises New Zealand’s exporters in their quest to boost exports from 30 percent to 40 percent of GDP by 2025.

Since 2009, the ExportNZ awards programme has inspired New Zealand exporters to expand their business horizons and grow internationally by celebrating 104 success stories.

These inspirational stories of Kiwi ingenuity, innovation, and export success showcase the incredible diversity of our export sector.

From primary industry to tourism, manufacturing and high tech services, judges were impressed with the calibre and range of companies which made it through to be finalists.

Overall, there are 27 finalists in seven categories from 25 companies headquartered in Auckland and Waikato. Seven of the finalist companies are from Waikato.

This year, the category winners from the respective ExportNZ regional awards programmes automatically qualify for entry into the New Zealand International Business Awards (NZIBA), run by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE).

Loadscan will be attending a black-tie gala dinner on Thursday, June 28 in Auckland where the awards will be presented.

2018-05-21T12:56:52+12:00May 17th, 2018|
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