Case Study - Beach Contractors, Waihi Beach NZ

Load volume scanner creates excellent working relationships

Project Details

CATEGORY:Quarries & Sand-pits
LOCATION:Waihi Beach, New Zealand

When starting earthworks on a new subdivision at Waihi Beach, New Zealand, Beach Contractors used a load volume scanner (LVS) to accurately monitor the volume of fill being taken on and off site.

On such a large project, the Loadscan LVS ensured accuracy of billing for Beach Contractors and also helped compliance with the fill volumes permitted in the resource consent.

“We were very happy with the Loadscan LVS” said Janet Edmond, Business Manager of Beach Contractors. “I believe it helped to facilitate an excellent working relationship with our client from the outset because it provided independent monitoring of the carted volumes.  Financially, it aided us significantly as it removed potential concerns that might arise about accuracy of charges”.   

With a wide range of services in the earthmoving field, Beach Contractors also supplies landscaping products such as stones, shell and pavers.

Edmond added, “I was also very happy with the level of service we had from Loadscan; the team were easy to contact, responsive and helpful.  We will definitely be using Loadscan again in the future.”

Loadscan was the first in the world to gain official trade approval for volumetric measurement of material loaded into open bodied bins.  The company now boasts Certifications for Trade in both New Zealand & Australia with a proven accuracy of +/- 1%. With the recognition that comes with these trade approvals Loadscan is rapidly gaining recognition in the mining, civil construction, quarrying and bark products industries. Now, Loadscan has exports around the world including Canada, USA, Australia, Mexico, Mongolia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Senegal, Zambia, Switzerland, Germany, the Philippines and Indonesia.

For more information about load volume scanning (LVS) systems visit

Easy to set up, easy to use, easy to shift
Improving trucking factors and solving disputes in Switzerland
Improving costing and pricing for tendering for jobs big and small
Leveraging automated measurement across multiple sites

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