Banholzer Installation

In late May, Managing Director of Loadscan, Carey West, travelled to the Zweisimmen Valley in Switzerland to commission the newly installed LVS-3BMP for Banholzer Bau AG, a Civil Construction company of Lenk im Simmental, Switzerland.

Banholzer Bau AG

Banholzer purchased the LVS-3BMP for their recently consented landfill operation.

The LVS system was purchased to measure and account for all volumes of clean fill carted into the landfill by truck operators in the district.

Banholzer Installation

MyScanner Service

Banholzer subscribe to the Loadscan MyScanner service, which provides the integral link between the LVS-3BMP onsite and Banholzer Headquarters, delivering live load data feeds so that load report can be compiled instantly and invoices for dump fees can be generated and sent to customers on a daily basis. MyScanner also allows full remote control of the LVS-3BMP onsite so if technical support is required from Banholzer Bau AG head office, or even the team at Loadscan, this can be done in real time. All Banholzer Bau AG and customer trucks using the LVS system are tagged with TagMaster RFID tags so that they can be automatically identified when scanned by the Loadscan LVS system.

The team at Loadscan thank Banholzer Bau AG for their business and we look forward to our continued business relationship.




Carey West
Managing Director

Loadscan Ltd

2019-01-17T11:22:12+13:00June 27th, 2016|
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