Only pay for material you receive2024-05-24T15:41:36+12:00

Only pay for the material you receive

Because you purchase material in cubic volume, you need a reliable and accurate method of checking that the actual volume of material you’re receiving is correct, not a supplier estimate.

Common methods of determining truck load volumes, such as counting loader buckets or truckloads, or converting from weight are inaccurate. Survey quantities don’t account for compaction factors in material loaded into a truck from a stockpile, nor bulking of the material when it’s unloaded. With a Loadscan LVS system, you’ll end supply disputes, which can be frustrating, time-consuming and expensive.

Volumetric laser scanning is the only accurate and consistent load measurement method.

It’s not just about big leaps; it’s the small steps that add up. Loadscan uncovers those incremental gains, turning them into substantial savings.

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Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

Don’t let oversupply cost you a fortune

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Don’t let oversupply cost you a fortune

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

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Don’t let oversupply cost you a fortune

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Get accurate product densities

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Optimise truck loading

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

Don’t pay for water content

Improve customer satisfaction

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Get accurate product densities

Optimise truck loading

Accurate volumes sold every time

Don’t pay for water content

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

Would you like the same benefits that other organic producers have experienced?

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