Mulch Oversupply2024-05-24T15:32:38+12:00

Oversupply can cost suppliers a fortune

If you’re unknowingly oversupplying because you’re unable to measure loose material accurately, you’ll be doing your bottom line no favours.

The LVS system reports the actual loose volume of the load as it sits in the truck at the time of measurement, regardless of how it was loaded or how heavy or wet the material is. Improved load measurement and inventory monitoring means you won’t run the risk of huge product write-offs come stocktake.

“Buyers and sellers alike struggled to find a consistent method for loading trucks that was fair to everyone. Loadscan has solved all that.”

Dave Boyce, Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies Inc, USA

Our scanners redefine how you move materials.

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Only pay for the material you receive

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

More solutions

Only pay for the material you receive

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

More solutions

Only pay for the material you receive

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Get accurate product densities

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Optimise truck loading

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

Don’t pay for water content

Improve customer satisfaction

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Get accurate product densities

Optimise truck loading

Accurate volumes sold every time

Don’t pay for water content

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

Would you like the same benefits that other organic producers have experienced?

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