Loadscan is pleased to announce the signing of a dealer agreement with Brazilian company Pesa to represent [...]
Loadscan in Melbourne Construction Project
Loadscanner to be used on Melbourne Motorway Load Volume Scanners to be used as monitors on major motorway construction project in Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne based [...]
Load Volume Scanner – First Scanners to USA
USA's First Scanners The first Load Volume Scanner to be installed in the USA are now operating in Mulch facilities in New Hampshire and Maine. [...]
Load Volume Scanners – Trade Legal Status Granted for Australia
Legal Trade in Australia The National Measurement Institute of Australia (NMI) has completed extensive laboratory and field testing on the LoadScan Load Volume Scanner and [...]
Testing for Pattern Approval Australia
Loadscanners Test for Pattern Approval in Australia LoadScan Load Volume Scanners to undergo testing for Pattern Approval (trade legal status) in Australia. LoadScan Ltd. has applied [...]