Industries & Applications2023-10-27T15:55:58+13:00

Game-changing technology for anyone shifting bulk material

Optimize truck loading

If you’re operating a business that involves extracting, moving, purchasing or selling aggregate, organic, or any type of bulk material, then you’ll benefit from accurate volumetric measurement of your product.

One of the most contentious issues when buying bulk materials (like sand, gravel, compost, mulch and bark) is that customers can’t be 100% sure they’re getting the amount they paid for. Loadscan levels the playing field and ensures that producers, suppliers, purchasers and haulers alike get a fair deal through accurate volume measurement.  Loadscan’s customers credit the solution’s accuracy (Loadscan is proven accurate to plus or minus 1%) and convenience for increasing their profits and operational efficiency.

Global demand for this technological advancement is skyrocketing with the mining, civil construction, bark and mulch and sand/gravel industries leading the charge. Mining operations are typically seeing a 7.5% to 15% increase in their trucking factors. Mulch producers have reported increased business off the back of being able to guarantee supply volumes. Borrow pits are easily tracking and managing multiple contracts simultaneously, and haulage companies are using real-time data from 3D images to optimise truck loading and to train and coach loader operators and dump truck drivers.

Optimize truck loading, productivity and profits in your industry

Optimize truck loading
Optimize truck loading
Optimize truck loading
Loadscan Quarry Sand-pit Applications

Profit-saving case studies in truck volume measurement

We receive inquiries from diverse operations the world over, which is why we’ve started building a base of customer case studies. Take a sneak peek at who is using Loadscan, how they’re using it, and what issues it’s solving.

Industry case study success stories…

Product options – Load Volume scanning systems

One size does not fit all. Our Load Volume Scanning (LVS) systems are configured to suit your business. Whether it’s a highly portable system to move from job to job, a permanent installation or a fully customised application — LoadScan has the truck measurement solution for you.

Product options for load volume scanning …

Listen to Loadscan CEO Carey West talk about the challenges facing the mining and civil industries, and how Loadscan can help to overcome them. This video is courtesy of the Connecting Industry Conference NSW, Australia, a virtual event sponsored by Loadscan

Other applications

  • FEMA Contractors: In disaster clean-up to replace manual debris monitoring estimates with accurate, automated measurement.

  • Oil & Gas: For accurate shale-oil drilling separation waste tracking. Optimize cartage efficiency and accurately track the size of your contaminated waste liabilities.
  • Municiple Authorities: To measure snow volumes carted to snow-dump yards and monitor other debris clean-up and bulk cartage contracts.
  • Ports: Measurement of bulk product loading/unloading ships or crushed ice trucked to fishing vessels.
  • Waste & Recycling: Measurement of crushed, shredded or ground waste and recycling materials such as scrap steel, tyre rubber, crushed concrete.

  • Pulp & Paper Mills: measurement of incoming wood-chip and hog fuel materials.

  • Bio-Fuels: measurement of bulk biomass materials for energy and bio-fuel production.

  • Agriculture: Accurately measure the volume of crops or grain going into terminals.
Oil-drilling separation waste management application
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