Mine Payload Solutions for Carryback2024-03-07T17:23:18+13:00

Managing carryback to improve operations

Our surface and underground mining technology helps to reduce carryback, a common problem wherever material is being shifted which can seriously impact productivity.

By scanning all loads with the Loadscan MPS, carryback out of the mine is accounted for and can be deducted from shift tallies, improving accuracy of actual loads shifted.

In addition, carryback can immediately be identified through data and alerts on the message board, enabling removal from the bin.

Managing carryback to improve operations

Our surface and underground mining technology helps to reduce carryback, a common problem wherever material is being shifted which can seriously impact productivity.

By scanning all loads with the Loadscan MPS, carryback out of the mine is accounted for and can be deducted from shift tallies, improving accuracy of actual loads shifted.

In addition, carryback can immediately be identified through data and alerts on the message board, enabling removal from the bin.

underground mining technology

“Loadscan has been helpful to improve operational performance by managing carryback to reveal our true shift tally. We can now accurately calculate net volumes delivered for processing. Time is also saved by minimising paperwork, there’s no manual data entry, driver records or after-shift record sorting.”

Pavan Kaushik — Vice President, Hindustan Zinc

underground mining software
underground mining technology

LED message boards indicate amount of material left in the bin. Once the set threshold is exceeded, the driver is alerted with a warning indicator and can have the bin scraped out to remove carryback.

Visual warning indicators are displayed in real-time on the operator console and MyScanner screen.

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