Optimizing Mining Operations with Pitram and Loadscan Integration at CSA Cobar The MAC [...]
Stage 3 Separation – Texas, USA
LoadScan2017-05-08T15:18:05+12:00Stage 3 specializes in high quality solids control equipment designed for closed loop mud systems to effectively manage solids, reducing costs for the operator. Stage 3 has made a name for itself in the solids control industry through continuous technological advancement and dedication to servicing their clients’ solids control needs. Adopting the LoadScan Load Volume Scanner technology has been part of that improvement process.
Oil & Gas – Sakhalin Island, Russia
LoadScan2017-05-08T15:42:08+12:00Oil and Gas Giants constructing the new onshore facility as part of the OS2 development on Sakhalin Island Russia chose Loadscan New Zealand to provide accuracy and efficiencies in their civil construction operations.
ODOD Gold – Mongolia
LoadScan2017-05-08T15:57:32+12:00Placer mine operation extracting alluvial gold deposits. ODOD gold has a fleet of 4 portable block-mounted and one mobile trailer-mounted Load Volume Scanners.