Resource consent conditions simplified with Loadscan’s load volume scanner

Fulton Hogan’s Queenstown quarry has purchased Loadscan’s load volume scanner (LVS) to measure large amounts of clean fill entering the site from multiple projects, including the Queenstown airport expansion.

The LVS unit will enable Fulton Hogan to accurately track incoming volumes of material into site – helping to maintain adherence to resource consent conditions. The Queenstown Lakes District Council sets out rules relating to earthworks. Under these rules, certain levels of earthworks require resource consent.

Fulton Hogan was impressed with the capabilities of the LVS after using their neighbour’s scanner, Queenstown Hardfill LTD, one of Loadscan’s first customers from more than 10 years ago.

The LVS removes any variables and delivers accurate volume measurements in a single automated, non-contact drive though scan. The LVS system utilises laser scanning and RFID technologies combined with software that creates 3D model images of trucks to measure the exact volume of the material loaded in a truck or trailer bin.

Fulton Hogan purchased a block mount fixed LVS-3BMF, the fixed truck measurement unit is hardwired to the office to give instant load data access to the operations staff, as well as the added convenience of out-of-the-weather operation.

Find out more about Loadscan’s load volume scanner.

Read case studies from quarries using Loadscan on the quarry page.

2019-05-14T10:31:42+12:00May 14th, 2019|
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