LoadVision Add-On2024-11-29T08:08:12+13:00

LoadVision Add-On

The LoadVision add-on takes your Loadscan Load Volume Scanner to the next level by providing clear, visual insights into your scan and measurement records. With LoadVision, you can now easily view video footage and snapshot images of both empty and loaded truck loads directly through the MyScanner measurements page.

With LoadVision, you get more than just data—you get the full picture, empowering you to improve efficiency, transparency, and accuracy across your operations.

  • High-Definition Video & Images: View high-quality video (10 fps) and images for both empty and loaded truck scans

  • Instant Access for Fast Audits: Access all video and image data with a single click, making audits quicker and easier while helping to resolve disputes or discrepancies with customers

  • Bulk Download for Convenience: Download all video and images for a specific scan record at once, making it easier to store and review data offline when needed

  • Live View & Manual Control: Monitor real-time footage through your LVS system or web browser

The Loadvision annual subscription involves a one-time capital purchase for the hardware, along with an annual subscription for access to MyScanner™.

Loadscan Fixed LVS-3BMF installation quarry

Unlock New Possibilities with the LoadVision Add-On for MyScanner

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