Loadscan OverView – Load Management Software2022-07-07T11:19:50+12:00

OverviewTM Load Management Software

Measuring truck loads is a start, but how you utilize the measurement data to benefit your business makes all the difference. LoadScan OverView™ is a load management software utility for retrieving measurement records from your Load Volume Scanner (LVS), viewing, editing, sorting and filtering records and generating summary period reports in Microsoft Excel®. Loadscan can also work with you to create an interface for exporting processed data to your existing database, accounting or other systems.

With a direct wired or wireless connection to your LVS, OverView™ load management software provides real-time remote monitoring with up-to-the-minute data for pro-active load management. The base version is provided free and optional modules and customizations are available to add extra functionality.

Key Features * (base version)
  • Import measurement records from USB-drive or direct wired or wireless network connection to LVS
  • Import measurement via internet/cellular modem connection (MyScanner service)

  • Combine data from multiple LVS systems
  • View selected date/time range, with summary statistics

  • Edit load details

  • Sort/filter records by parameters such as time, vehicle id or any custom load details such as product or customer

  • Generate period reports in Microsoft Excel®
    * System requirements: Microsoft Windows® XP or higher and Microsoft Excel® 2003 or higher

Add-On Functionality
  • Graphical Load Profiling module and custom load distribution analysis

  • Custom Reports for advanced analysis

  • Custom data export interfaces

Loadscan Overview Software and 3D profiler
Loadscan 3D profiler
Loadscan Overview Software screen shot
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