Just north of the city of Auckland, New Zealand’s commercial centre, is one of the largest roading infrastructure projects undertaken.

The entire Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Wellsford project will consist of around 38 kilometres of 4-lane highway. Phase 1, the Pūhoi to Warkworth section, covers 18.5 kilometres, with around 10 million cubic metres of earth being moved for site clearing and embankments. This section will open in May 2022.

The project is a Public Private Partnership between the New Zealand Government and Northern Express Group (NX2). Fletcher/Acciona is a construction joint venture (CJV) contracted by NX2 to build the Pūhoi to Warkworth section of the motorway.

All material grades required for the construction phase are sourced onsite in the project quarry. Once loaded, material is trucked to multiple site access points depending on the grade of material required. Topsoil for beautification is trucked in from external suppliers.

Loadscan supplied five trailer-mounted mobile LVS-3TMM load volume scanners (LVS) which are situated at strategic access points across the project geography. The mobile LVS trailer units are ideal for a project of this nature, and are conveniently moved around the site to meet specific measurement requirements. All five units are trade certified in New Zealand and Australia, with a certified measurement accuracy of +/-1%.

Material excavated from the quarry is measured as trucks exit, with grade, volume, and destination recorded via the scanner. Understanding which cut the material has come from within the quarry, and where the various grades of material are trucked to is critical for quality control, according to Site Engineer, DJ Nio-Aporo. The automated Loadscan LVS system enables full visibility and volume tracking, ensuring completely accurate reporting of material movement and placement.

Scan data is viewed in real-time by project engineers, providing them with immediate and up to date information on material movement. Scan data is exported from Loadscan’s proprietary Overview reporting system into the customer’s project management software. It can then be analysed and used for planning and reporting.

During the 2020 Covid lockdown, Loadscan provided remote user and technical support for the five scanners through their secure MyScanner cloud portal, ensuring undisturbed and seamless operation on site. Site Engineer, DJ Nio-Aporo says, “Working with the Loadscan team has been really helpful in getting the Loadscan system off the ground and running efficiently”.

For more information on Loadscan’s Load Volume Scanner system, CLICK HERE.

Read more civil construction case studies.

2021-04-12T08:53:03+12:00April 12th, 2021|
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